We tested supertrend, but the signal is a bit too slow.

For buying

In this case the buy signal came way too late in the trend (see green "Buy" text).
Our bot's signal would be buying on the left side (red side), while Supertrend would only have bought on the third bar on the right, so way too late. You would have less profit using Supertrend.

Second example:

For selling

In this example supertrend sent a Sell signal only after the rate decreased already with 10%.

If we would sell att his time, you would have already incured a loss of 10%.

We asked our users and they do not want to sell with this amount of loss, so we decided not to use this signal.

Agreed, we only show 1 sample here in the screenshots above, and sometimes the loss will be less, but sometimes also even more. We simply cannot risk this and have therefore decided not to use it.

See stop-loss arcticle to find out what we use instead.